andy's forgotten toys

That's me in the background, 1970, my first year in this crazy world we live in; being held aloft by my Mother in our back garden in Windsor (UK).  I chose this photo of me, not because, some might say, that's the best I ever looked, but because it probably captures a very important point in time which, in a tenable way, ties my interest in collecting vintage and retro toys to my Mother and where I lived both then and now. Intrigued? then read on.

My two real first loves of vintage toys were, and still are, Gerry Anderson and Corgi.  I loved Thunderbirds, Joe 90 and Stingray all of which were creations of Gerry Anderson.  I also loved Batman, more specifically the 1960's TV show that was still being repeated everyday in the 70's.  Here comes the tenable link.

My Mother moved from Bridgend, South Wales to the Windsor and Slough area in the early 1960's.  One of her first Jobs there was working for Sciaky a welding solutions factory which was located at the time on Slough Trading Estate.  Next door was a small film studio called AP Films, where she spent almost every lunch time.  She was friendly with many of the employees there and would often watch them filming shows such as Thunderbirds, Joe 90 and Stingray under the watchful eye of owners Gerry and Sylvia Anderson.  Don't get me wrong I loved the vehicles from the show, and knew little of my Mum's link with the studio back then.  It was long before I was born so its just beautifully coincidental, or, maybe slightly fated.

1987, my Father, who had worked for Air Canada at Heathrow for nearly 20 years decides to up sticks and move us to South Wales to start his own business and to be closer to my Mother's family who he loved.  As I mentioned earlier and elsewhere on this site I also love Corgi die-cast models and especially the Batmobile and the early James Bond cars.  The Corgi Batmobile was exclusively manufactured at Corgi's factory (Mettoy) in Swansea (South Wales).  Guess where I live close to now?  OK so the factory closed a few years ago but I drive past the site where it used to be nearly every day, so it still counts.

So just for fun. I also currently work for an internationally well known company at one of their sites in Swansea.  Guess where their UK head office is based? That's right Slough Trading Estate.  Oh but there's more.  A couple of years after I was born my mother took a second part time job as a house keeper.  The crazy thing, and another link is, that house owner happened to be a Director for the very company I now work for and we lived in one of his homes on the estate.  So there you have it, What do you think coincidence or fate? Tenuous or Tenable?

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